If you're an existing volunteer, please log in below.
How our volunteers bring value:
Our volunteers help in the following roles. For a listing of our current recruitment efforts, please visit the Current Volunteer Recruitment page.
Patient Experience Advisor
PEAs volunteer with our committees and working groups, in partnership with healthcare professionals. They bring the voice of the patient/family and contribute to quality improvement and safe healthcare for everyone.
Greeters are the go to people and often the first face you will meet when coming to our facility. They welcome and help patients find their way through our facilities, deliver cards and flowers, and help with discharges. If you like to stay active, this program s for you.
Receiving treatment, having surgery or waiting for loved-ones, can be hard. Host volunteers provide support to patients and families in our clinics and waiting rooms, and act as a connection between patients, families and staff.
Coffee Shop
A hot cup of coffee served with a smile, is enjoyed by staff and visitors. Auxiliary operated Coffee Shops raise funds for needed equipment and patient comfort.
Gift Shop
Funds from retail therapy contribute to required state of the art equipment and comfort items for our patients. Help out in the Auxiliary operated Gift Shops by assisting patients/families pick out that perfect gift for a newborn baby or choosing the right get well card that will bring a smile.
Our tiniest patients love extra TLC. Volunteers provide extra cuddles to babies and support families.
Friendly Visiting
Your presence can make a difference. Volunteers visit patients who are lonely or from out of town.
A friendly visit with patients offering a warm blanket, bedtime snack, game of cards, reading a book, conversation, or helping settle in for a good night s rest
Oncology Coffee Cart
A warm cup of coffee, a chat and a smile provide comfort and help pass the time for patients and families waiting for treatment.
Palliative Care
Being there . Palliative care volunteers provide an atmosphere of caring and support to end of life patients and their families.
Pet Therapy
Four-legged volunteers bring joy and comfort with a wag of a tail to our patients and staff. All dogs and handlers must be part of an accredited Pet Therapy Program
Therapeutic Services
Volunteers enhance services in therapeutic departments by assisting professional staff in preparing materials and engaging in activities.
Church Service
Attending church services can provide peace and comfort. Volunteers assist the patients to and from the chapel for services.
Recreation Programs
Who doesn t like to play games? Bowling, bingo, and card games are just some of the activities you can assist with to help make our patient s day more enjoyable.
Plant Care
Have a green thumb? Volunteers help keep the patient gardens beautiful for their pleasure.
Library Cart
Reading helps pass the time while in the hospital. Volunteers provide a convenient free mobile book service to patients and families.